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7.4. Update

Announcing MOBILedit Forensic Express version 7.4. This new release is mainly focused on fine-tuning the acquisition of iPhone and iPad devices.

MOBILedit users can now use three different paths when communicating with an iOS device:

  1. The first one is low-level communication through the Apple device driver (downloadable from our website). This feature eliminates the need to download iTunes to your forensic workstation, as is often required by other forensic solutions. iTunes can write data to a target phone thereby affecting its forensic integrity. That’s why the MOBILedit team has developed this method of communication and has now fine-tuned it making it perfectly reliable.

  2. If you already have iTunes installed on your forensic workstation, (e.g., UFED, that requires it), MOBILedit can now communicate with an iOS device via the Apple Mobile Service, allowing the user a straightforward solution. (In previous versions MOBILedit required stopping this service).

  3. We have added a protocol for full file system reading of jailbroken iPhones, so, if you use the checkra1n/checkm8 jailbreak available in our latest Connection Kit, you will get the full content of an iPhone including application sandboxes, keychains, system databases, iMessage, and all other hidden data.

Plus we have added support for the Dutch language. Current support of languages is as follows:

Generated reports are available in the following languages

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • German

  • Estonian

  • Chinese

  • Korean

  • Dutch

  • Polish

  • Slovak

  • Czech

Full product User Interface

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • Chinese

  • Slovak

  • Czech

USER GUIDE version 7.4:


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