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Files & Acquired data folder structure

Report output folder

Within every report output folder there are a number of files and directories depending on what report output formats were chosen. This list does not cover everything but is shown as an indication of the most popular export formats:

  • summary_short.txt - Overview of extracted file

  • summary_full.txt - Full detail of all the actions and processing of files during extraction

  • report_configuration.cfg - how the report was setup and what was requested

  • cloud_credentials.json - contains cloud tokens

  • mobiledit_export.xml

    • mobiledit_export_files

  • mobiledit_backup.xml

    • mobiledit_backup_files

  • report.ufdr

  • Report_long.html

    • Report_index.html

    • html_files

    • (All might be compressed to one archive file)

  • Report.PDF

    • pdf_files

    • (All might be compressed to one archive file)

  • Report_excel

    • excel_files

    • (All might be compressed to one archive file)

  • adb_backup

  • apple_backup

  • files - MOBILedit Forensic files and device or import files

    • acquired data - files extracted from the device

    • wizard_screenshots - screenshots of MOBILedit Forensic

    • icon.png - phone picture or import icon

    • investigator_logo.png - user imported image

The acquired data folder can potentially contain a large amount of data and also a number of sub-directories. These are outlined below:

Name - In report output folder (with corresponding report category for files)


applications0 (Applications)

Applications and their data, not user-shared galleries

applications1 (Extra)

Special content, logs from apps or content providers

raw0 (Internal)

The accessible phone file system or full file system

raw3 (External)

File system which is shared with apps, for example, images, music, downloads, user galleries

raw4 (Multi root)

Access to various storage locations in file manager apps.


Temporary files, icons, thumbnails, contacts pictures, message attachments

mtpraw0 (MTP)

Internal storage and SD card.

You might need this information in case you want to browse the extracted data (image, audio, and video files) without opening the report. It also might include little differences based on the phone you were extracting (Android or iOS).

Files and long folder paths

All the files in the report subfolders are stored in a tree structure that is based on the original data in the phone, so advanced users might be able to get any files for additional analysis or any other purpose.

When copying the subfolders (or the whole report folder) please be aware that the full paths might be longer than the usual limit of 260 characters still present in the Windows shell. It means that while the file system supports paths as long as 32000 characters (and this is true for many older versions of MS Windows), the standard copy/paste or drag and drop file operation will not work well with these folders. In Windows 10 it seems to be finally addressed, and in other cases, you might use either the MOBILedit Forensic File manager, a third-party file manager (such as Total Commander 64), or a zip/archive file manager that can handle these long paths.

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