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System Requirements

To enjoy the best possible user experience, please ensure your computer meets the minimum system requirements as shown below. We have also included additional specifications for a more powerful system:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 or Ryzen 5 as a minimum, i7 or Ryzen 7 is recommended for concurrent extractions, and a CPU with AVX is required for Face Matcher and Photo Recognizer.

  • RAM: 16 GB as minimal configuration, 32 GB is recommended, 64 GB or more is better.

Please note that meeting the minimum RAM requirements may impact concurrent extractions and performance on phones with a larger amount of data.

  • HDD: free space of 1 GB on the system drive for MOBILedit Forensic, plus suitable storage space for the reports. SSDs are recommended as read/write speeds are quicker. HDDs, removable drives, and network storage are suitable for longer-term storage of data.

  • OS: Windows 64-bit OS is required, Windows 10 as minimal configuration.

  • Minimum screen resolution: 1250x800, recommended 1920x1080.

  • High-quality cables for connecting phones are essential.

  • GPU: The only feature that benefits from a GPU is the Password toolkit for brute force attacks on backup Pins and passwords. The GPU can be of any type and either integrated, a dedicated graphics card or, fully external.

To install MOBILedit Forensic successfully, please disable your antivirus program. If enabled, our security bypassing features (i.e. Dirty Cow) may trigger the antivirus warning system. If it is not possible to disable it completely, disable at least the automatic scan of the folders. 

By disabling your antivirus program you will also prevent any possible errors that may occur during installation and extraction.

For Windows 10 and above, you may also need to add MOBILedit Forensic to the safe/allowed list of apps in the controlled folder access settings.

It is not necessary to use write-blocking hardware when using MOBILedit Forensic.

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