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Adjusting report content and size

This article contains some tips for you on how to reduce the size of the PDF reports with MOBILedit Forensic.


This feature allows you to trim down the report data by selecting the exact time interval or a contact name and a text string. More information is available here.

PDF Splitting

Brings you the option for easier manipulation with files. Each file is named by the data contained therein. Read more about the PDF report here.

Clutter filtering

Enabling Clutter filtering will allow you to report less content and the report with therefore be only as large as is needed. Clutter filtering helps you with cleaning and removing duplicate data and other clutter. Details are available here.

Source of data

Disabling the Source of data information will allow you to report less content and the report with therefore be only as large as is needed. The Source of data gives you the exact path and filename to the source file. Details are available here.

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