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Data - Applications


Application data – retrieves and processes data of applications. Results of the app analysis are shown in the reports, and the raw application data are also stored in the export folder, which makes additional processing and analysis possible.

All applications – will process all available application data from the phone.

Let me choose – if selected then when you press 'Next' to continue, it will show a list of all apps and you will be able to select only the ones that you want to process.

Deleted data – turns on a recovery of the deleted application data.

Download referenced files - download the referenced files from the chat message stored online.

App Downgrade – more detailed information is available here.

App downgrade feature

Second, is to use MOBILedit Forensic´s feature called "App downgrade". This will cause the apps to resort to a previous version, where vulnerabilities are present allowing access to data that otherwise would be unattainable. Find more about the App downgrade feature here.

Example of applications report:

iOS applications

In the applications section of the report, it is possible to see which screen on the device the application icon appears. It is indicated by a number with the leftmost screen being “Screen Index 1”.

Additionally, in the head of the report section for a particular application, the permissions granted by the operating system for that app are shown. The permissions are as “allowed since” or “denied since” and the timestamp.

Pinterest iOS.png

Android applications

In the head of the report section for a particular application, the permissions granted by the operating system for that app are shown.

Android permissions.png

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