Data - Messages
"Phone messages" groups the SMS, MMS, iMessages, application messages, and any standard phone messages together. MOBILedit Forensic can find any variation of these types of messages and present the gathered data in the report generated.
Emails and email messages are gathered separately in their own section and will not be shown in the Messages section of the report.
Phone messages
Standard phone messages, which covers SMS, MMS, and iMessages on iPhones.
SIM messages
Messages retrieved from the SIM card, if available.
Application messages
If selected, all messages from all applications will be merged together with the standard phone messages. If not selected, application messages will be shown only in their respective application sections of the report.
Data from vObject files
If selected, all vObject containing all messages files retrieved from the phone will be analyzed, and the results will be merged to the Messages section as well.
Deleted messages
This option turns on the recovery of deleted messages, wherever it is possible. Any recovered deleted messages are placed together with regular messages and are visibly marked as 'deleted'.
Displays phone messages in the conversation view only, which is a shorter format; but please note that it is possible that not all available information stored in the messages may be displayed.
Detailed messages
Shows messages with all details, without the conversations.
Shows the conversations followed by detailed messages.
You can also filter and customize the results. For more information about filtering, click here.
Example of messages report:

Keep in mind that if you will filter, for example, the messages by content: "Hi" you will get even words that have the word Hi in them... for example a word: this