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Drivers & Packages

To use any MOBILedit Forensic Security bypassing techniques you must install the correct drivers and have certain “Live update” packages.


There is an unlocking driver package available for download on our website. This contains all the drivers necessary to facilitate communication between MOBILedit Forensic and a device ready for security bypassing.

Each method requires a device to be in a certain mode. For example, devices with a Qualcomm chipset should be in “Emergency download mode”.

Windows operating systems and standard drivers cannot communicate with devices in these modes and our driver has to be installed.

When you install a new driver you should restart MOBILedit Forensic if it is already running. Sometimes it may be necessary to restart your computer, even if not prompted to restart.

“Live update” packages

All security bypassing methods have dedicated “Live update” packages that need to be installed for the methods to work.

The specific package filenames and descriptions can be found from the “Home” screen and by selecting “Live updates”. A reference table can also be found here.

If you are unsuccessful using a Security bypassing method, you should first check that the drivers are installed and the packages up to date.

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