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Blackberry OS devices

Blackberry has a very unique and secured OS which is hard to work with, however, we have done the maximum to offer as much support as possible.

Phones with Blackberry OS 10 can be connected to the MOBILedit Forensic via Bluetooth or WiFi.

Bluetooth connection allows you to read contacts stored on the device, nevertheless, this content is Read-Only.
WiFi connection will provide you with more data, however, the connection requires the installation of the Android Compatibility Layer. The amount of data depends on what will be allowed by the emulator itself.
Please follow our step-by-step instructions here.

Devices running Blackberry OS 9 and earlier can be connected to MOBILedit Forensic via cable connection.
This will allow you to manage and see the whole content of your Blackberry such as Messages, Phone book, Calendar, Application, and Media.

It is only necessary to install the correct drivers, MOBILedit Forensic should recognize your phone by itself.

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