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Browse content

When a device is connected or a file is imported, you can see the device file system or, the folder and file structure of the import.

This is viewed using our File Manager, more information can be read here.

Content can be browsed with or without installation of the Forensic Connector app, although there is a difference in accessible data, installing the Connector app is best.

With the Connector app:

Browse content with app.png

Without the Connector app:

Browse content without app.png

As you can see from the screenshots, you will not have access to the applications and their data without the Connector app. This is due to the additional permissions granted to the app.

Examples of directory names are:

  • Internal (raw0)

  • External (raw3)

  • Multi root (raw4)

  • Applications (applications0)

  • Extra applications (applications1)

To see a description of what the named directories contain, please read the page on the Output folder structure

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